Stars with a Flashlight

Week 1: DIY Stars

What You'll Need:

  • Flashlight
  • Black construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Needle

What You'll Do:

  1. Adults: Screw off the top part of your flashlight.
  2. Kids: Trace around the inside of the circle onto black construction paper — make as many circles as you like.
  3. Kids: Cut out the construction paper circles, working as closely to the traced line as possible. This project works best if the circles fit very snugly inside the flashlight rim.
  4. Kids or Adults: Working over a dish towel or something else to protect your work surface, use a needle or an awl (or anything with a small, sharp point) to carefully poke holes in the formation of your favorite constellations onto the black circles.
  5. Kids: Slip the black circle against the glass part of the flashlight, then screw the top part back on.
  6. Kids: Turn off the lights (or zip yourself into your tent!) and turn on the flashlight to project different constellations onto the walls. If you like, go outside and see if you can find the real constellations, too!

Tip: You can download the Constellation Patterns below to overlay on your black circles to help punch the holes more precisely.

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